Getting back from vacation...

Its the end of December. WHich can only mean one thing, my precious private time doing-nothing-at-all luxurious life have ended. This feet feels like a heavy weight stone every time I think about it. Heck, I kept thinking about it all weeks, I didn't managed to actually enjoy my private time! Arghh... This is killing me. Less than a week from now, I need to get back to IPBA. Thinking about going through again orientation week and all those annoying pesky little things as you went your way as a 1st year student at IPG.

Seriously, I know everyone probably think my life is maybe, presumably, probably, ...a little bit... dull, watching your favorite shows n anime n stuff, sitting in front of your lappy for games and internet. But, everybody have the same reaction when thinking about how many stuff they need to settle with when they got back from vacation. I'm pretty sure everyone goes 'awww, man....' or something like that. Its frustrating enough I got separated from my bestest housemates ever!!  Now, they putting me with some senior and another guy I don't know. Not that I don't like them or anything, it's just I'm gonna miss all the crazy thing in the house with my housemates. Then, there's registration for a Degree, then orientation week, unpacking stuff...

After reading this, maybe whoever is reading this post right now like, "Man, is this guy a hikikomori (visit wikipedia for that) or something??". But, I'm just expressing how I feel in this one post. Heck, maybe, presumably, probably.. I've exaggerating a bit. But, yeah, who doesn't sometimes? XD

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